Northern Kordofan is not a Candidate for a War of Liberation–Now
Northern Kordofan does not qualify for a war of liberation, now. But in light of the gravity and importance of the situation there, I ... -
Ocampo’s Darfur Strategy Depends on Congo
Many commentators have questioned why the Prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno Ocampo, is pursuing Bashir, given the unlikelihood of ever arresting him. To ... -
Are Serving Heads of State Immune from ICC Prosecution?
The question arises whether an international criminal tribunal can indict, issue arrest warrants for, or prosecute, a serving head of State. It is generally ... -
Africa’s Challenge to the ICC
The International Criminal Court faces political realities today that were not anticipated when the Rome Statute was so laboriously negotiated a decade ago. It’s ... -
Justice for Whom? The ICC in the Central African Republic
Developments in international justice have filled the papers in recent weeks, with the capture of Serbia’s Radovan Karadžić and the charges leveled against Sudanese ... -
Have Activists Found A Soft Power Policy More Powerful than Sanctions?
Apropos of Ibrahim Adam’s call to increase foreign direct investment in Sudan, it’s worth considering whether a strategy, pushed by American divestment activists, that ... -
Sanctions and Targeted Divestment: Still Needed
On August 14th in this space, Ibrahim Adam argued for the removal of United States sanctions and an end to the international targeted divestment ... -
Stability Threats in South Kordofan
The implementation of the CPA in Southern Kordofan has been subject to numerous delays in many different areas. The most significant delays have been ... -
High Time to Lift Sanctions
The US government and the American people sincerely want to do the right thing by Sudan. Help turn it into a democratic, stable, equitable, ... -
More on SPLA-2
I came across SPLA-2 while in the Nuba Mountains in April. Al Bulola had just been visiting senior SPLA commanders, in South Sudan and ...