Angola: Anatomy of a stolen election
The MPLA’s crisis of legitimacy could be sowing the seeds of a revolution against itself. On 8 September, the façade of democracy in Angola ... -
The real winners of Angola’s election
The electorate’s popular will may have been defied by the MPLA’s victory, but the people were more organised, engaged and vigorous than ever before. ... -
How power in Angola is wielded by one man
Roque’s new book shows how the regime came to be ruled by, and came to rule through, fear and paranoia – still does so ... -
Angola’s regime pushes back against a growing and united opposition
Ahead of August elections, the MPLA is turning to old tricks in the face of rising discontentment and a popular opposition leader. The election ... -
Angola’s regime is scared
With opposition and discontent growing ahead of the August elections, the security state may be more active and dangerous than ever. As Russia’s war ... -
How the radical became normal in Angola
When everyone knows the emperor has no clothes but no one dares say it out loud, even the smallest acts of dissent become ones ... -
Writing about “that kind of country” in a time of coronavirus
Now more than ever, it is essential that writing on Africa focuses not just on devastation and despair but beauty, success, dignity, love and ... -
Africa Insiders: #LuandaLeaks over Isabel Dos Santos
The essentials: A massive leak of 715,000 documents to the Platform to Protect Whistleblowers in Africa led to a massive investigative journalism effort coordinated by ... -
Angola’s oil could actually be the DR Congo’s. Here’s why it isn’t.
About half of the oil being produced by Angola is in Congolese waters, according to the UN convention that defines maritime borders. Angola’s politics ...