Peace in Darfur: Next Steps
For my fuller analysis of the challenges to the Darfur peace process after the Arusha meeting, see my analysis posted in the ... -
Deaths in Darfur: Keeping Ourselves Honest
How many people have died in Darfur and what is the value of this information? The recent ruling by the British Advertising Standards Authority ... -
Tragedy in Darfur
*Posted on behalf of an anonymous contributor. How one chooses which "mistakes" or precursors to learn from reveals what one believes is necessary to know ... -
Sexual Violence and the Risk of HIV Infection in Darfur
(The following essay is posted on behalf of Selma Scheewe. The author based this essay on her Thesis titled “Sexual Violence and HIV/AIDS in ... -
Where Next for Darfur’s Peace Process?
Last weekend’s meeting in Arusha, Tanzania, of leaders of Darfur’s armed movements marked the re-launch of a serious peace process for Darfur. It’s Darfur’s ... -
Without an operable peace agreement, what effect will 1769 really have on Darfur’s future?
(Posted on behalf of Paul Kirby) First, how sensible is sending 26,000 troops to ‘peacekeep’ when there is no peace agreement? Is there a ... -
Cause and Effect
(posted on behalf of Thomas Homer-Dixon ) What does it mean when we say that one factor is more or less important than another ... -
Needed: A Plan for Community Peacekeeping
What is the significance of UN Security Council Resolution 1769, which authorizes the hybrid UN-AU Mission in Darfur, with a strength of 26,000 and ... -
Darfur’s New-Found Water Reserves: Blessing or Curse?
The basic rule of water supply in semi-arid lands is that whoever controls the water, controls the people. New water resources provide as many ... -
Presidential Candidates and Their Stance on Darfur
During last night's CNN-YouTube debate among Democratic hopefuls, the candidates were asked what they would do to make Darfur safe. So which one (if ...