AAP #0: The African Arguments Podcast, with James Wan
This is the teaser episode for the upcoming African Arguments Podcast, a fortnightly podcast that will bring you interviews and discussions with some of the leading figures, experts and thinkers working in and on Africa today. In this tester episode, we speak to special guest James Wan, editor of African Arguments. We discuss African Argument’s publishing strategy, James’ experiences from his first few weeks on the job and how the podcast fits into all of this.
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Follow us and our guests:
- Desné Masie (co-host): Twitter
- Peter Dí¶rrie (co-host/producer): Twitter | Facebook | Homepage
- James Wan (editor, African Arguments): Twitter | Homepage
- African Arguments: Twitter | Facebook | Homepage
- Quartz: Lessons from Thomas Piketty for South Africa, one of the most unequal countries in the world
- African Arguments: The Old Guard vs. The People, Round 2
- African Arguments: Popular resistance to the Burkina Faso coup: who, where and what next?
- African Arguments: After the coup in Burkina Faso: unity, justice, and dismantling the Compaoré system
- Joe Penny’s Twitter profile
- African Arguments
- Articles by Morten Jerven on African Arguments
- Books on Desné’s reading list :
- Ricardo Soares de Oliveira – Magnificent and Beggar Land: Angola Since the Civil War
- Morten Jerven – Africa: Why Economists Get it Wrong
- Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo – Poor Economics: Barefoot Hedge-fund Managers, DIY Doctors and the Surprising Truth about Life on less than $1 a Day
Thanks for listening! We are grateful to African Arguments for supporting the podcast. If you would like to support us, have a suggestion for a topic we should cover or a guest we should invite, please get in touch, either by commenting below or emailing [email protected].
The music on this podcast was kindly provided by DJ Maramza.