AAP#11: No, Angola’s President dos Santos will not step down just yet

Angola’s President Jose Eduardo dos Santos greets President Jacob Zuma. Credit: GCIS.
Just hours after President José Eduardo dos Santos declared his intention to step down in 2018, we sat down with Angolan journalist/activist Rafael Marques de Morais and journalist/scholar Justin Pearce to discuss Angola’s current situation.
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- Peter Dörrie (co-host/producer): Twitter | Facebook | Homepage
- Rafael Marques de Morais (guest): Maka Angola | Twitter
- Justin Pearce
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- Information on Hanne’s Shelter
- Links and info on current events in Eritrea, collected by South African journalist Martin Plaut
- Zitamar News – Breaking news and analysis from Mozambique
- Ballot box stuffing in Uganda’s elections
- BBC: Angola’s Jose Eduardo dos Santos ‘to step down in 2018’
- The Children’s Corridor of Death in Angola’s Second Hospital
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The music on this podcast was kindly provided by DJ Maramza.