Author: Amee (Aminata Bamba) & Loes Oudenhuijsen
Home›Author: Amee (Aminata Bamba) & Loes Oudenhuijsen
Amee (Aminata Bamba) is a pluridisciplinary artist from Côte d’Ivoire. Trained in law, she works mainly in slam poetry. After having won the RnB concours 3R Révélation in 2009, she became a member of Collectif Au Nom du Slam, of which she is the vice-president and in charge of communications. After a number of performances since 2014, she organised her first concert in 2017 and released her first single 'Au commencement' in September 2019. She has participated in numerous festivals in Africa and Europe. In 2020 she won the Prix Spécial CEDEAO du Slam at MASA (Market of Performance Arts of Abidjan).
Loes Oudenhuijsen is a PhD candidate at the African Studies Center, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She researches historical transformations and continuations in gender norms in Senegal, through a focus on the positioning of sexually dissident women in society. She is involved in the academic-artistic foundation Voice4Thought, currently writing about women and the emergence of a slam poetry movement in Africa.
Doing More on Sexuality Series: Slam poetry as a form of resistance