Rama Salla Dieng is a scholar activist and currently a lecturer at the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, an adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Mandela School of Public Governance, UCT and an Associate researcher of the Laboratory for Research on Social and Economic Transformations, University of Dakar. Among other topics, her work focuses on politics and social movements including African feminisms. She is the author of Féminismes Africains: Une histoire Décoloniale (Présence Africaine, Paris, 2021), co-author of Gagner le Monde, Quelques Héritages Féministes (La Fabrique, Paris, 2023) and the co-editor of Feminist Parenting, Perspectives from Africa and Beyond (Demeter Press, Canada, 2020). She is the Founding Director of the African Feminist Film and Research Festival: CINEFEMFEST.