If Ocampo Indicts Bashir, Nothing May Happen
Regarding the ICC’s likely indictment of Sudanese President Omar al Bashir, one of the main concerns expressed in this forum is that it would ... -
A Disaster in the Making
While advocates and human rights groups focused on Darfur may applaud reports of Sudan’s President, Omar Bashir, being indicted by the International Criminal Court, ... -
Sudan and the ICC: A Guide to the Controversy
On Monday 14 July, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, will ask the Court to indict a very senior ... -
A long-term, much needed shift in norms weighed against short-term uncertainty
Indicting Bashir would be a risky move to be sure. One gamble, well articulated in this forum, is that it will have negative consequences ... -
Bashir and the ICC: See Milosevic and the ICTY
Should the ICC next week indict Sudanese President al-Bashir for war crimes it will make history. But it will not be unprecedented. In May ... -
Darfur and the Doctrines of Command and Superior Responsibility in International Law
This contribution to the ongoing debate over the promise””and””limits of holding Sudan’s President Omar al Bashir individually accountable before the International Criminal Court (ICC) ... -
Can the International Criminal Court Prosecute President Bashir?
A famous sign on President Truman’s desk said “˜the buck stops here’. The principle is reflected in several dimensions of international criminal justice. Under ... -
Indicting a Head of State is a Political Act
If Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir were to be indicted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) “” as is rumoured “” it would not be ... -
A Nation at the Crossroads: The Case of Ocampo against al-Bashir
Posted by Abdalbasit Saeed. The truths, reflections, analysis or misjudgments and predispositions in this rejoinder are the sole responsibility of the author. They do ... -
Quo Vadis, ICC?
Pity the prosecutor. In the last few days, the very first case that Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo has brought before the judges of the ...