Association of Concerned African Scholars: Resources on Uganda, the LRA, and Central Africa
ACAS resources
ACAS is producing materials to contribute to the public debate about the Kony 2012 campaign and the military solution it proposes. These documents, and the list of other resources below, are designed for use with high school and college students who are the main audience of the Kony 2012 video.
What Can We Do About Uganda and the LRA? March 27, 2012 | PDF
ACAS Statement to the U.S. Government about the Lord’s Resistance Army and
Central Africa, March 14, 2012 | PDF
Press release: Africa specialists address risks of KONY2012 campaign and military solutions, March 15, 2012 | PDF
Other resources
Note: Use the URLs containing “”; they are “tiny URLs” that connect to the full-length web address.
1. Kony 2012 Video and Invisible Children
The video: Unofficial video transcript at : Website: Vimeo:
Letter to President Obama from Invisible Children, Resolve, and Enough Project
2. Sources of continuing coverage about Uganda and the LRA
Uganda Speaks – Trending Our Own Story InFocus page on Uganda and LRA
AfricaFocus and particularly AfricaFocus is also on Facebook and Twitter.
African Arguments
Twitter!/search-home Some hashtags to search for include: #Kony2012, #StopKony, #StopStopKony, #Uganda2012, #Ug2012
3. African critiques of Kony 2012 video (from the continent and the diaspora)
See also: Uganda Speaks (above) and sections 5 (below)
My response to KONY2012 by Rosebell Kagumire, Ugandan journalist. 6:21-minute video and transcript at :
Selling Old Newspapers Shouldn’t Be Profitable: Invisible Children and Kony 2012 by David Sangokoya, a Nigerian-American, creatively discusses stereotypes of Africa.
The White Savior Industrial Complex by Teju Cole, Nigerian American novelist gives criticism in 7 Tweets and comments on response to it. :
Kony screening provokes anger in Uganda by Malcomb Well, 2:40 minute video
Women Civil Society Groups in Uganda: Kony2012 Campaign, Blurring realities! at: :
Kony 2012 Video is Misleading by a Ugandan American teenager. 5:47 minute video viewed more than 3.7 million times on YouTube. (There is one brief expletive.)
4. Other Critiques of the Kony 2012 campaign
See also: African Studies Association list of resources:
Unpacking Kony by Ethan Zuckerman, director of MIT’s Center for Civic Media and co-founder of Global Voices, discusses the simplicity of the Kony 2012 message – and its dangers – and the Invisible Children’s theory of change. At: :
Juice Rap News with Robert Foster: Yes We Kony – An irreverent parody of Kony 2012 – a rap about then “white man’s burden” and the role of AFRICOM. 3:37 minute video
5. History of the conflict with the LRA policies proposals
A Letter From Uganda on #Kony2012 by Sara Weschler of Information for Youth Empowerment Programme in Northern Uganda. This is an excellent summary of recent Ugandan history. At :
The downside of the Kony 2012 video: What Jason did not tell Gavin and his army of invisible children by Mahmood Mamdani, Director of the Makerere Institute of Social Research at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
What will it take to end the LRA conflict? By Kennedy Tumutegyereize of Conciliation Resources, reporting on perspective of people in Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan who are affected by the LRA. At: :
How Invisible Children’s Kony 2012 Will Hurt – And How You Can Help – Central Africa by Michael Deibert, an expert on the LRA. At: :
Conflict and Conflict Resolution: Northern Uganda- Books and articles included in syllabus by Andrew Branch, Fall 2011
6. Recommendations and commentary on current U.S. policy
Kony: What’s to be done? by Alex de Waal, Executive Director of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, discusses the military and non-military framework proposed by the International Crisis Group, at: :
KONY 2012, and a military solution to the LRA crisis by anthropologist Richard Vokes, a detailed discussion of the LRA and dangers of a military solution, at: :
#Kony2012 and the Warping Logic of Atrocity by Scott Edwards of Amnesty International USA, regarding human rights concerns in Uganda and Central Africa. At: :
Kony 2012, Save Darfur, and the US’ place in the world by Rohit Negi, Assistant Professor at Ambedkar University, Delhi.
Interview with Ethan Zuckerman by WBZ NewsRadio 1030’s Suzanne Sausville, discusses difficulties of capturing Kony and need to listen to Ugandans about solutions, 2:20 minute audio at:
7. How KONY 2012 went viral
[Data Viz] KONY2012: See How Invisible Networks Helped a Campaign Capture the World’s Attention by Gilad Lotan, VP of Research and Development at :
Useful reads on Kony 2012 by Ethan Zuckerman
8. Central Africa
Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering the Truth 26-minute video produced in 2011
Africa Canada Accountability Coalition (ACAC), a group based at the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia that focuses on ethical advocacy regarding the Great Lakes region – DR Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. Blog:
This is the slogan that often leads to defeating corrupt regimes in Africa… “election promises of revisiting fraudulent dealings of past regimes and more importantly setting a mark as a government that will not tolerate corruption”… But it’s all bla bla… One after the other keeps doing same corrupt choices leading to disruptive governance…
The struggle, the fight should be within the civil society to not stop right after the newly elected leader, advocating the right things to do… the fight that defeats corrupt government has to still remain deterrent for the new leadership in Africa…
Active citizenship is an everyday mentality, commitment to the Great Cause…And as we fight up and down, such divisions and disruptions are fueling western appetite in managing our assets…
We deserve more than promise of “good governance” and yet we have to hold our leaders accountable at all times while participating in the development effort through informational reporting/documentaries and synopsis around proposals as our governments are not experts in all areas under their responsibility… That is a Fact!
M. Demba
Intl. Partnerships
[…] to countless others, have provided public criticism of the Invisible Children campaign. The Association of Concerned African Scholars has released several documents and resources enumerating their concerns about the “KONY 2012†[…]
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