Podcast: The Beautiful Game’s Soft Power
We are delighted to introduce you to the second episode of the Into Africa podcast created in partnership with African Arguments. Into Africa is a fortnightly podcast series by the Center for Strategic & International Studies. Every third episode is put together in collaboration with African Arguments.
This episode featuring African Arguments Deputy Editor Ayodeji Rotinwa is The Beautiful Game’s Soft Power:
“As African national teams battle it out on the pitch in Cairo, Host Judd Devermont (CSIS Africa Program Director) is joined by Trina Bolton (U.S. State Department), Ayodeji Rotinwa (African Arguments) and Richard Downie (CSIS) to discuss the political implications and soft power potential of the ongoing 2019 Africa Cup of Nations. Guests kick off the episode assessing the current friction within Botswana’s ruling party and the recent political violence in Ethiopia.”