The DevDispatch, your personal knowledge broker.
For knowledge consumers, DevDispatch is your gateway into the latest and most relevant knowledge and information in development. With our podcast, DevDispatch aspires to deliver to its listeners carefully curated information and important insight from development publications to advance social change on the continent.
For knowledge creators, we close the gap between your knowledge production and consumption and focus on analysis, re-packaging and targeted transfer of development knowledge to its intended recipients.
We work across a wide range of thematic areas bringing something to everyone and inspiring development practitioners and social change makers to exploit the wealth of information and knowledge on development issues.
Important Information about the platform:
Podcast name/title: The DevDispatch
Where to find us: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Soundcloud and of course, our website
Website: / Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @dev_dispatch / Instagram: devdispatch_podcast