AAP#4: Economic Statistics in Africa with Morten Jerven

We talk with Morten Jerven, author of “Poor Numbers” and “Africa: Why Economists get it Wrong” about the quality of economic statistics in Africa and why it matters.

Is Rwanda not the success story that Statistics make it out to be? It wouldn’t be alone on the continent. Photo by Gwendolyn Stansbury/IFPRI
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- Recommendations:
- Economic Statistics in Africa
- Agenda
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The music on this podcast was kindly provided by DJ Maramza.
I find, that we Africans put up with too much Western interference, like this article. What is it to this man if Rwanda speaks its own mind and counts it’s poor people differently than the Western obsessive compulsive category?
I think we should have less poor people and why do they want there to be MORE people of poorness and poverty-ishness. Why?