Tag: Covid-19
How Covid-19 Lockdowns Affect Healthcare of Non-Covid Cases
Coronavirus Pandemic Causes Neglect Of Other Healthcare Challenges -
Bending the Epicurve towards Justice: Biomedical Response
Medical biotechnology changes can be crucial to individuals’ survival, if they are given enough time before they are infected. -
Barefoot Doctors and Pandemics: Ethiopia’s Experience and Covid-19 in Africa
What experience of a people's-centred health system can Ethiopia teach the world? -
Combatting Outbreaks: Why We Should Listen to District and Frontline Health Workers
Combating outbreaks, why we should listen to district and frontline health workers -
COVID-19Covid-19Debating IdeasEconomies and SocietiesGuineaPolitics and Political EconomyPublic Health
Coronavirus Seen From the Land of Ebola: Lessons Learned, Reflexivity and the People in Guinea
Coronavirus Seen From the Land of Ebola: Lessons Learned, Reflexivity and the People in Guinea -
Covid-19: Fear of Job Losses Could Make Tourism Indifferent to Wellbeing
fear of job losses can make tourism indifferent to wellbeing -
Africa's Foreign EngagementsCovid-19COVID-19Debating IdeasEconomies and SocietiesPolitics and Political EconomyPublic Health
COVID-19 in Africa: “Know your Epidemic, Act on its Politics.”
COVID-19 in Africa: Know your Epidemic, Act on Its Politics -
Surviving COVID-19: Fragility, Resilience and Inequality in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe had three confirmed cases and one recorded death of COVID-19 (coronavirus) as of 26 March, and a national disaster has been declared. So far suspected ... -
What Might Africa Teach the World? Covid-19 and Ebola Virus Disease Compared
What might Africa teach the world? Covid-19 and Ebola Virus Disease compared