Tag: Sudan
Trapped by Covid and a Hostile Europe: Sudanese Migrants and Refugees* in Belgium
Trapped by Covid and a Hostile Europe: Sudanese Migrants and Refugees in Belgium -
AidCovid-19COVID-19Debating IdeasEconomies and SocietiesHumanitarianismPolitics and Political EconomyPublic HealthSocial PolicySomaliaSudanTranslation
من على البعد: دروس مفيدة من تجارب العون في الصومال والسودان لأزمة كوفيد-19*
Going Remote: Learning from Aid Practices in Somalia and Sudan for the Covid-19 Crisis -
Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan’s post liberation instability
Is East Africa slowly democratizing, or about to turn back the clock and slide into political violence again?