Tag: Covid-19
Africa Day 2020 Marks 100 Days Since the Covid-19 Outbreak: A Celebration of a Continent Not Backing Down
The eve of Africa Day 2020 marked 100 days since the outbreak of Covid-19: how is the continent faring? -
Some Lessons from the History of Epidemics in Africa
The history of endemic diseases epidemics and pandemics in Africa shows that the continent has had a long experience of biomedicine -
Epidemics and Social Observation: Why Africa Needs a Different Approach to Covid-19
Why haven’t social factors been more thoroughly scrutinised in the huge upsurge of scientific effort to combat Covid-19? -
Covid-19COVID-19Debating IdeasDigital SolutionsEconomies and SocietiesKenyaMobile MoneyPublic HealthSocial Policy
Kenya and Covid-19: Pandemic Response Risks Excluding Minority Groups
Identity based welfare exclusion reinforces the Kenyan's state fault lines of power and access -
AidCOVID-19Covid-19Debating IdeasEconomies and SocietiesHumanitarianismPolitics and Political EconomyPublic HealthSocial PolicySomaliaSudanTranslation
من على البعد: دروس مفيدة من تجارب العون في الصومال والسودان لأزمة كوفيد-19*
Going Remote: Learning from Aid Practices in Somalia and Sudan for the Covid-19 Crisis -
Books and ControversiesCovid-19COVID-19Debating IdeasEconomies and SocietiesSouth AfricaTexts and Contexts
Gifting and the Capable State in Times of Crisis
State gifting and the politics of bailouts in the time of Covid -
Love (from Afar) in the Time of Covid-19: Diaspora Humanitarianism and Pandemic Response
With close links to origin countries diasporas can mobilise quickly in a humanitarian crisis. -
Humour Ignores Social Distancing: Postcolonial Irony and Covid-19 in Africa
Africans are fighting and commenting on the Covid epidemic, as they did with long-established colonial narratives, through the medium of humour. -
Will Covid-19 South Africa be Another Case of ‘Death Without Weeping’?
How do Covid-19 socialised responses to death and disease compare with previous pandemics?